The Offering Plate

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The story is told of a church meeting at which a wealthy man rose to tell the congregation about his faith. “I’m a millionaire,” he said. “And I attribute my wealth to the blessings of God in my life.” 

He went on to recall the turning point of his faith. As a young man, he had just earned his first dollar and was eagerly thinking of all the possibilities when he happened upon a church meeting. He found himself consumed by the message he heard that night, and when he saw the offering plate he knew that he would either have to give it all to God or nothing at all. 

At that moment, he decided to give everything he had to God. Looking back he knew that God had blessed this decision and made him a successful man.

When he finished his story an awed silence filled the room. As he returned to his seat an elderly woman leaned over to him and said: “I dare you to do it again.”